Caregivers Luncheon
All too often anticipating the needs of an elderly parent or loved one is overwhelming. One may not be sure where to even begin finding resources or support! Annually, in September, PiA hosts the Caregivers Appreciation Luncheon. The 2023 Caregivers Luncheon was held on September 13, 2023 and planning for the 2024 event will start soon. If you know of a deserving family caregiver, please email us your contact information and we’ll be in touch for additional information. The Luncheon provides caregivers a few hours of respite and an opportunity to meet other caregivers in the community.
In past years Partners in Aging has also recognized a Caregiver of the Year. The nominees exemplify those qualities that make them an exceptional caregiver including but not limited to:
- fostering independence for each senior citizen
- nurturing the spirit of each senior citizen
- treating the senior citizen with dignity and respect
- involving family and friends in care, when appropriate
- promoting the individuality of each senior citizen
- providing a safe environment
- allowing each senior citizen choice of care and lifestyle
With the advent of COVID, Partners in Aging recognized that it was impossible to pick a Caregiver of the Year and put the award on hold. All caregivers were Caregiver of the Year!

James Perkins
2019 Caregiver of the Year
It was a pleasure and an honor for Partners in Aging to present the 2019 Caregiver of the Year award to James Perkins. James was recognized for the dedication he demonstrates in the care of both his mother and father. Thank you so much for all you do. James is shown below with his wife, Wanda.
2020 brought many changes to how life was conducted. In today’s time, every caregiver is a winner.
We hope that 2022 brings us back to a “normal” that allows us to celebrate the good in us all. If you know of someone that should be considered for the Caregiver of the Year, please use the Caregiver of the Year Nomination Form to make the nomination.